faune: (fr) n. wildlife | voyage: (fr) v. travel
Bringing critical environmental stories to the forefront
FauneVoyage Films & Media is an award-winning film production and visual storytelling company. We specialize in developing digital content for science, environment and wildlife conservation causes.
As a full-service company producing content from concept through delivery, we first help you define your goals, message, audience, calls to action, deliverables and distribution strategy. Then we roll up our sleeves and get to work.
Documentary Filmmaking • Science Communications • Visual Storytelling
Connecting with audiences through strong characters and creative storytelling.
We produce, direct, shoot, edit, write and distribute award-winning documentary films, educational videos, social bites, PSAs and television programming exploring wildlife conservation, environment, science and community impact topics. Our films entertain while raising awareness, engaging support, sharing differing viewpoints and seeking solutions.
Need a small crew?
Have limited resources, budget and time?
Facing unique challenges?
Count us in!
We understand the challenges you face in getting your message in front of the right audience. Our stories inspire, empower and motivate audiences into action.
We have years of experience developing innovative tools and solutions to help clients like you. And we are comfortable being a one-man-band and Jill-of-all-trades when the situation calls for it. From concept through completion, we do it all.
We are extremely adaptable, too. From the jungles of Borneo to the Sahara desert and Alaska tundra, we overcome the most extreme logistical challenges and adapt to cultures and languages around the world.

While we work on projects worldwide, we are based in beautiful Petersburg, Alaska where we are uniquely situated to help productions with their filming needs throughout Southeast Alaska’s Inside Passage and the renowned Tongass National Forest.
Now available to rent or buy!
Feature Documentary Film (2018) | Runtime: 86 minutes
When poachers kill adult elephants for their ivory, the calves that are left behind are orphaned, homeless, and unable to survive without the care of a herd. Their survival is dependent on the extraordinary people who dedicate their lives to protecting and raising them at an elephant orphanage tucked deep within the heart of Zambia. This endearing film is an inside look into their lives and the struggles they face as they grow up as A HERD OF ORPHANS.
Filmmaker Kelly Bakos captures the heartwarming, humorous and cheeky personalities of these orphans while interweaving stories about daily survival and coming of age within an unnatural setting—while threats still abound.
(Elephant Orphanage Project — Game Rangers International)
Now showing on public television! Check listings for showtimes.
SEASWAP: Southeast Alaska Sperm Whale Avoidance Project
Short Documentary Film (2006) | Runtime: 37 minutes
Alaska commercial fisherman Kendall Folkert works hard for his catch. Long hours on the boat can lead to disappointment and financial trouble when crafty sperm whales steal black cod off his longline gear. A team of researchers joins Kendall in the North Pacific to outwit the clever animals.
Whale researchers Aaron Thode (Scripps Institution of Oceanography) and Jan Straley (University of Alaska Southeast) join forces in a unique collaboration with fishermen and fisheries managers to understand the signals prompting sperm whales to the fishing vessel Cobra. Watch as these individuals give you a look inside their work, marvel at the ingenuity of this endangered species, and experience how fishing and science come together to stymie these creatures from getting an easy meal.
(Alaska SeaLife Center & North Pacific Research Board)
Now showing on public television! Check listings for showtimes.
Short Documentary Film (2020) | Runtime: 30 minutes
e•phem•er•al (adj.) Lasting for a very short time
Ephemeral art is nature-inspired art that lasts only for a short period of time. Pieces are constructed outdoors from natural materials that eventually return back to the environment as they decompose, transform, are blown away in the wind or swept into the sea. EPHEMERAL documents a moment in time when artists in Southeast Alaska connect with nature while creating inspiring treasures in the rainforests and on the beaches.
(The Rainforest Festival)
Visual storytelling
Strategizing and creating innovative content and campaigns for science, environment and wildlife conservation causes.
We blend our skills in design, illustration, writing, video and photography to develop advocacy campaigns and outreach for nonprofit organizations, native tribes and government agencies. At FauneVoyage we specialize in content development, project management, strategic planning and brand development.
What We Do
Connecting with people through strong
characters and creative storytelling.
FauneVoyage produces educational videos and documentary films exploring conservation, research and wildlife topics. Our films entertain while raising awareness and support for current global issues.
Weaving scientific material into
outreach and public relations content.
FauneVoyage turns complex information into accessible concepts for the general public. Our creative and technical work includes scientific, journalistic and narrative writing published online and in print.
Sending persuasive messages through
multimedia, print and online design.
FauneVoyage develops communications, outreach and marketing materials to enhance public awareness and engage support for conservation, research and wildlife issues.
Using powerful images to tell impactful stories.
FauneVoyage understands the importance of a great shot and a strong visual story. We use nature photography and original artwork to illustrate complex science, reveal true moments in time and delve deeper into topics that are best shown visually.
Copyright 2023 FauneVoyage, All Rights Reserved.